The Logology of Pantology
The revealing symbolic names (logos) of the Revealer of all knowledge (Logos)
"Logology" is revelation about words, logos, signs and symbols. "Pantology" is a systematic or organized revealing of "all knowledge". Of course, no human has the slightest idea of what "all knowledge" means—though too many think they do. The systematic view of "almost everything", which will be presented as Xrayzr Revelations, will discuss only a tiny fraction of the information available within any of the following "ologies".
It is the interconnections and relationships between all of these fields of knowledge which will begin to reveal not only who Xrayzr is, but also, what his past achievements have been in the creation and control of all of these "ologies", and what his responsibilities are for future development and control of "almost everything". And if you think you know who is being referred to as Xrayzr, you'll be amazed to learn that there are several categories of knowledge on the list in which he himself has failed many tests, by his own admission and the eyewitness reports of others—if you believe the "scriptures" that graphically expose his past failures.
Don’t bother others by trying to use these terms in conversation. No one will know what you’re talking about. The purpose of the list is to present many indicators about the organization and content of future publications by Xrayzr Revelations. If you have no interest in any of these areas of knowledge, perhaps you know someone who does have some "intellectual curiosity" and might enjoy reading what will be offered—or hate what will be offered, but enjoy trying to disprove it.
Just remember this—Xrayzr promotes peaceful reform in all areas of human thought and behavior—especially in the realms of religion and government. If a person believes he must defend his religion, or his nation's system of government, or his homeland by being offensive and physically attacking others within their own homelands—he doesn’t understand what "defense" means. A national government that causes war in other nations does not have a "defense system". It has an "offensive system".
If you think you've heard everything about any or all of these areas of knowledge—you have a lot of surprises coming.
Biology, life
Craniology, characteristics of the skull
Cytology, biological cells
Ecology, interrelationships between living organisms and their environment
Microbiology, microorganisms
Teratology, wonders, or monsters
Theology, GOD, God, and other gods
Ideology, ideas
Bibliology, books; the Bible
Codicology, manuscripts
Historiology, writings and practices of historians
Lexicology, signification and application of words
Atomology, atoms
Barology, weight and gravitation
Cosmochronology, age of stars
Cosmology, cosmos
Heliology, Sun
Nanotechnology, design of machines at the molecular level
Ontology, existence
Planetology, planets
Radiology, rays, usually ionizing radiation
Angelology, angels
Astrobiology, search for extraterrestrial life
Chronology, the order of time
Climatology, climate
Diabology, devils
Draconology, dragons
Entomology, insects
Exobiology, life in outer space
Geochronology, age of the Earth
Geology, Earth
Geomorphology, present-day landforms
Herpetology, reptiles and amphibians
Hydrogeology, underground water
Ichnology, fossil footprints, tracks and burrows
Ichthyology, fish
Lithology, rocks
Meteorology, weather
Mineralogy, minerals
Oceanology, oceans
Ornithology, birds
Orology, mountains and their mapping
Paleoanthropology, ancient humans and human origin
Palaeichthyology, extinct fishes
Paleobiology, ancient life
Paleoclimatology, climates of the geological past
Paleodendrology, fossil trees
Paleoecology, ecology of ancient organisms
Paleoentomology, fossil insects
Paleogeology, buried geological features
Paleohydrology, past hydrologic systems
Paleology, antiquities
Paleo-ornithology, fossil birds
Paleo-osteology, ancient bones
Paleopathology, diseases of the past
Paleopedology, early soils
Paleophytology, fossil plants
Paleontology, ancient creatures
Paleotempestology, ancient storms
Paleozoology, ancient animals
Seismology, earthquakes
Selenology, moon, a branch of astronomy
Speleology, exploration of caves
Volcanology, volcanoes
Xenobiology, extraterrestrial life
Anthropology, humans, mankind
Cryptozoology, animals that may or may not be mythical
Ethnology, race
Etymology, word origins
Genealogy, relationships within families
Gerontology, old age
Glaciology, glaciers
Grammatology, writing systems
Lepidopterology, butterflies and moths
Mythology, myths
Palynology, pollen
Typology, classification
Xylology, wood
Aetiology, causation of disease
Allergology, causes and treatment of allergies
Bacteriology, bacteria
Epidemiology, origin and spread of diseases
Gastroenterology, diseases of the stomach and intestines
Immunology, immune system
Microbiology, microorganisms and their effects on humans
Oncology, cancer
Pathology, diseases
Symptomatology, symptoms
Thanatology, physical, psychological and social problems associated with dying
Virology, viruses
Astrology, influence of celestial bodies on earthly affairs
Cerealogy, crop circles
Demonology, demons
Mythology, myths
Parapsychology, phenomenon that defy conventional scientific explanations
Phantomology, supernatural beings
Ufology, unidentified flying object (UFO) phenomena
Archaeology, revelation of past cultures through the analysis of material remains
Egyptology, ancient Egyptians
Ethnology, race
Onomatology, names
Phonology, speech sounds
Pyramidology, pyramids
Nomology, law
Penology, prison management and criminal rehabilitation
Polemology, wars
Momiology, mummies
Christology, Messiah / Christ
Dendrochronology, age of trees and the records in their rings
Dendrology, trees
Hematology, blood
Histology, living tissues
Serology, blood serum
Sindonology, shroud of Turin
Hypnology, sleep (also somnology)
Epistemology, nature and origins of knowledge
Oneirology, dreams
Terminology, the usage and study of terms
Criminology, the scientific study of crime
Endocrinology, internal secretory glands
Neurology, nerves
Neurophysiology, functions of the nervous system
Osmology, smells and olfactory processes
Pharmacology, drugs
Psychology, mind and behavior
Embryology, embryos
Mammology, mammals
Oology, eggs
Ethology, animal behavior
Physiology, bodies, usually of animals
Phytology, plants; botany
Primatology, primates
Sexology, sex
Theriogenology, animal and reproductive systems
Gynecology, women’s reproductive health
Sociology, society
Venereology, venereal diseases
Proctology, anus and rectum
Aretology, virtue
Axiology, nature of values and value judgments
Herbology, therapeutic use of plants
Musicology, music
Neurology, nerves
Oenology, wine
Teleology, ends or final causes
Eschatology, final events in the history of the world, or of mankind
Symbology, symbols
Archology, government
Irenology, peace
Sociology, society
Alphabetology, significance of letters of the alphabet
Eschatology, death, resurrection, afterlife, etc.
Garbology, garbage and refuse disposal
Satanology, Satan
Thanatology, death
Soteriology, doctrines of salvation
And many more categories that aren't labeled as "ologies".