What Do You Think?
Do you have any insights that will improve, or disprove the extremely controversial content of Xrayzr Revelations? Please express them within the unknown limits of the expandable suggestion box below.
Please read the newest full Presentations of Xrayzr Revelations . . .
Is All Scripture Inspired By GOD?
. . . or has much of it “expired” and become unusable?
On the Wrong Side of the Tracts — why Christian mini-leaflets fail to reveal "the Way, the Truth, and the Life"
Learn why almost no one is going to Hell—or Heaven—yet!
Also . . . Please read . . .
Gay Marriage . . . Does GOD have a “straight” and narrow view of marriage?
Learn why GOD the Father has been choosing thousands of men (and women) to marry His Son, "the man Christ Jesus" in the near future!
Also . . .
Learn why Elijah the prophet did not enter anyone's home on Passover this year—but his protective "spirit" can enter your mind right now . . .
If you don't know who Elijah is—it is very important for your future safety that you learn . . .
The Presentations on this website are, and will continue to be, extremely controversial in innumerable ways. If you haven't found anything to disagree with yet, you haven't read everything that is now available. If you feel compelled to defend traditionally accepted understanding and interpretations of the numerous subjects that will be covered—don't waste your time trying to convince me that I'm a heretic. "Heresy is in the mind of the holder". And don't waste your time trying to convince others that I'm a heretic. Let them decide for themselves after they read what I present.
If you have any insights that you believe will improve, or clearly disprove what will be gradually revealed, please attempt to express them within the unknown limits of the "suggestion box" below. The "box" is able to contain far more text than you might suspect. Try it. You may also send a message to whatever address will be appearing below.
Please e-mail your comments to: xrayzr.10.1.15@xrayzrrevelations.com
The numbers after "xrayzr" indicate the date of the latest website copyright change. The date numbers will also be included in the copyright indicator so you will be able to easily determine if there is anything new to look for, or how long it has been since anything new was added; depending on how you look at it.
You can also e-mail by using the form below, or send comments through my Twitter page @ArmonRaE